I believe all of us have been wronged by someone in our journey in life. However, when this wrong is perpetrated by a loved one—someone extremely near and dear to us—it’s just simply inconceivable and unbearable.
My husband and I were ready to buy our first home. We shared the good news with our families, and, of course ,they were very excited for us. We had a decent down payment which was not disclosed to anyone, but two very dear family members decided that they wanted to gift us some money towards the down payment with no strings attached. We thought: what a kind gesture and a great blessing! Years passed, about fourteen years or so when I received a call from one of the family member who gifted the money. The family requested that we pay back the money on a monthly bases (whatever we could afford till it’s paid off). We knew that they were not in any financial hardship, and they gave no reason for their request. Our monetary gift had now became a loan. We had no recourse but to comply. There was no paper trail! We trusted them. They were family! Words could not express my feelings. I was so distraught and overwhelmed. Long story short, we started to make a monthly payment. It became such a strain: it was unbearable. Making each payment was like repeatedly removing the scab from a healing wound. I can recall being in a state of anger and disbelief for quite some time. Eventually, we had to borrow from our future to pay them back. So, how does one even begin to heal and find forgiveness in their hearts after such an ordeal? It doesn’t happen overnight. Over time, I realized forgiveness is a process. I had good days, and I had very bad days. (Needless to say I prayed a lot.) On the very bad days, I had to remember that Jesus died for all, not just some. Remember, it’s never too late to start the process, but you can only do it with His help (Phil 4: 13). Challenge: Let’s read through these verses this week. Luke 23: 34; Ephesians 4: 31-32; Matthew 6: 15; Hebrews 10: 17. They were very instrumental in my healing, and I hope you find healing and forgiveness in them as well. BY Sharon & Katie C.M. Li
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